Zanzibar Association Of The Disabled(UWZ)


Empowerment of people with disabilities through advocacy, awareness raising and capacity bulding leading to an inclusive society


Empowerment To have a society in which people with disabilities enjoy equal right, opportunites, respect and dignity


Enhancement of rights and opportunities of people with disabilities through advocacy and other interventions

About Us

UWZ is a national cross-disability organization established in 1985, registered in Zanzibar under the Land Perpetual Succession Decree (Cap 101), and complied with Section 58, Society Act No. 6 of 1995

UWZ was registered in Zanzibar on 19th February 1985 under the Land Perpetual Succession Decree (Cap 101) complied with Section 58, Society Act No. 6 of 1995

UWZ has 8,180 members comprising 3,628 women and 4,452 men. This organization is run and controlled by women and men with disabilities. It aims to mobilize its members to bring about lasting changes for the benefit of all women, men and children with disabilities and their families.

Board Chairperson

Ms Salma Haji Saadat

"UWZ’s mission is to empower people with disabilities by advocating for policies and legislation that uphold their rights, raising community awareness about human rights, and building their capacity to lead in areas of non-discrimination, political, social, economic, educational, health, environmental and cultural. We aim to create an inclusive society where all individuals can participate fully in shaping a resilient and sustainable future."

Executive Director

Ms Asia Hussein

"UWZ envisions an inclusive society where people with disabilities fully realize their human rights, live with dignity and equality, and actively contribute to sustainable development through participation in political, social, economic, educational, health, environmental and cultural programmes

Did you Know?

UWZ has 8,180 members comprising 3,628 women and 4,452 men. This organization is run and controlled by women and men with disabilities. Are you disabled or have a disabled relative? UWZ is dedicated to improving the lives of people with all types of disabilities in Zanzibar with the primary goal of creating a more inclusive and accessible society for individuals with diverse abilities. Ultimately, we strive to empower individuals with disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of society and achieve their full potential

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